It is generally considered that a house is not a home until it is occupied. A residence is defined by its resident; it can be a cordial living arrangement, an environment that encourages frequent gatherings or even a place frowned upon by how it is displayed to the public. This same logic is extended to the presence of bugs. Unless you are into entomology (the scientific study of insects) or just fond of them in general, no one likes to see a bug roaming around the house. Its mere existence is considered a blight onto an otherwise perfect household, spread of diseases and decrease in structural integrity notwithstanding.

In order to keep your home as insect-proof as possible, you need to do whatever you can to make it as clean and inhabitable for them in the first place. Just like you, they need a living space and consumable material. Here are some of the common tactics you can use to reduce insect infestation:

Regularly clean your household

Insects are naturally attracted to food, especially sweets. Any leftover crumbs from a snack or accidental messes can be inviting to roaches, ants and the like; even exposed food can bring bugs in droves. Whenever possible, you should wipe any surfaces where food is most commonly stored or handled, while also mopping the floors of any room to minimize insect attraction.

This also includes any litter or leftover debris in your household. By removing any garbage that may lying around your house, you are effectively eliminating any possible place where an insect nest can be developed. As such, it is good practice to keep your house as clean as possible, inside and out.

Dry up any soaked areas

Insects are just as dependent on water as a human. The most preferable spot for insects to stick around is a dark, damp spot hidden away from the human eye. To prevent this from happening, you can do the following; fix or plug up any leaks, clean your drains to prevent clogging of pipes, routinely maintain your water-dependent equipment like washing machines, frequently dry off any walls that may become damp from exposure to the elements, etc. To maximize your efforts, you can also invest in a dehumidifier to keep the environment within your house dry.

Use chemicals, traps or natural materials

As you mentioned above, insects are naturally curious about their environment; they are always on the search for something, be it food, water, some other insect to interact with etc. They are also ‘cannibalistic’, never hesitant to eat one of their own after passing. You can use their curiosity to your advantage; place flypaper (specialized strips of ‘glue’) to capture annoying flies, attract roaches with bait that can also be used to infect them with disease which kill off their nest in a ‘domino effect’, inject your walls with chemicals which prevent the growth of termites etc.

You can do this on your own since it is quite normal to use common, everyday chemicals and materials to handle insect infestations. For example, pepper cloves are natural ant repellants, while cockroaches die on exposure to soapy water.

In any case, it is just as acceptable to hire a professional to get the job done. In fact, there exist exterminators which specialize in getting rid of insects, as well as unwanted pests and weeds should the need arise. Just remember to trust your sources and read reviews beforehand if you have the opportunity.

Seal up any cracks or openings

Should you find any exposed crevice in any area of the house, you are sure to find a nest or colony of some kind. Be sure to look closely for them on your seldom-searched areas of the house, like in bathrooms or some tucked-away corner in your living room. Silicone sealants are commonly available, while grout (a mixture of cement and sand) are also used for such purposes.

Kill any bugs you come across

This is plain and simple; as soon as you see a bug, kill it. Leaving it alone increases the chances of their breeding and diseases being spread. Don’t hesitate to utilize your sandal to squish those little pests. Use your frustration.

Insect-proofing is just one of the many things you can do to improve your house, either as a living space or even as an investment. If you like to know more, we suggest that you follow our blog for any upcoming features and exciting articles, or you can catch up on real-estate news that are updated regularly on our website.