The future Eurasian connection

The future Eurasian connection

The modern man is always on the move. We are always on our feet looking to achieve something or complete some goal, such as to reach some location or to fulfill some human necessity. This is especially true in Pakistan, where our entire economy is designed around the fact that we are always on our [...]
Top 4 shopping destinations in Lahore (that are not malls)

Top 4 shopping destinations in Lahore (that are not malls)

There are two types of tourists; the ‘classical sightseer’ who goes through every historical site to reminisce about a time gone by and to imagine about a culture in its prime, and the ‘modern enthusiast’, who uses the trip, any trip, as an excuse to go on a shopping spree. These two definitions are relevant, [...]
4 Most Desired Apartment Projects

4 Most Desired Apartment Projects

Diversity in the hand of evolution has its mark in all times, real estate evidently is the first & primmest phenomenon that brought the world to the mark of such progressive stature. Now west since last 150 years is evolving their society at a very fast pace in every dimension. Henceforth horizontal real estate development [...]
Karachi The City of Quest For Future

Karachi The City of Quest For Future

Circumstantial Backyard: Karachi a historic city that holds the kingship of the Arabian sea for over two centuries this city offered lucrative life for its residents with a massive shoreline Karachi has held great life for whoever worked hard as most prominent & eminent names in every walk of life made their marks in this [...]
Places For Day Trips & Getaways

Places For Day Trips & Getaways

8 Great Getaways & Day Trips – Where can you go, if you need to just get away, but not too far away! For any city to be great a city must be offering the close getaways of the city but not very places that can be visited within a day trip here is our [...]